The New Search Engines Shining A Light On The Deep Web

Posted: September 28, 2014 in Tech


Juha Nurmi is a 26-year-old developer living in Finland and working at a technical university as a researcher. He just returned from Google’s Summer of Code, where he worked to improve the functionality of, one of the most representative and up-to-date Tor directories and search engines. It’s available both on the clearnet (the Internet you’re used to using), and as a hidden service (a website hosted on the Tor network).

“There’s a current trend to make the Tor network more accessible and user-friendly,” Nurmi said. “My motivation to write search engine software is to support human rights, such as privacy and freedom of speech.”

The Ahmia project is part of the Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights, a nonprofit that supports the Tor network and works on online anonymity systems, such as Globaleaks and Tor2web.

Full Story @ [Daily Dot]

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